Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ellen Wagner Class


- What did you learn?

3D learning, haptics, Wii IS going to be the future (see my voicethread from the last post). Web 4.0 - the ubiquitous web.

- What are your takeaways?

Designers should design for today - designing for the needs of now - that is the sweet spot.

- What keeps you up at night?

Feeling like technology and ID will end up the way it will end up, even without my participation/influence in/on it. Feeling overwhelmed with the possibilities of technology and neglecting the natural joys of life.


I really liked Ellen's "Hype Cycle". It's a great way to view trends and how people take to new ideas. Maybe we can get a copy of it? Also, web4.0 idea sounds a little scary. Actually it's like giving a certain level of consciousness to tools and objects. The dark side of this of course is when super villains command armies of robots and tanks to attack from their neural implant blue-brain. =)


Anonymous said...

After the talk, I kept thinking about "design for today" and the "needs of now." With technology evolving at a rapid pace, it's easy to get lost in the possible and forget about designing solutions that work now. Even though she's considers herself a technology forecaster, I found her talk very pragmatic and useful.



P.S. The iLearn site has two of her recent presentations. I think both of them have the hype cycle info-graphic.

Zack said...

I keep thinking about the overwhelming nature of these technologies and how they will factor into long-term learning goals. I guess all we can do is be prepared to address these issues as we go in the future!

Lance said...

I feel the same way about what keeps you up at night. With all of new types and technologies coming out at such a never experienced rate it is easy to feel overwhelmed and think that without the proper guidance or at least educated guess. A huge disaster from improper use may occur such becoming lazy and dumb as the expectation of instant gratification becomes greater.