Thursday, April 2, 2009

4/2 Back from Web 2.0 Expo

Unfortunately I didn't get to catch any of the presenters on the upper levels, mostly because they were mostly over by the time I was able to get out of work early. With that said however, I did enjoy going to the expo. There were a ton of social networking apps, mashups, and other cool things. Here's what I liked the best:

- Yola (They recently changed their name from synthasite), allows you to build your own site online. Very awesome. Nice t-shirts too!
- a 3D Modeling and Mapping service. Not exactly Web 2.0 on its own but one can see how it easily could be very interactive. Actually, they do mention how its used with schools, real estate, games, etc.
- was a free create-your-own social networking site.
- OER Commons - freely available and open source education resources for all. I'll have to look into them more.

The one thing I also noticed was that a lot of the booths were enterprise focused and business focused. Our friend SocialText was there. Also, I was expecting something called JomSocial to be there (for Joomla), but they weren't. Wonder what happened... Overall it was a fun expo to attend. Did anyone have the appetizers? They were yummy! Perhaps I'll catch something tomorrow...


Bin Li, Co-founder / COO, said...

Thanks for stopping by our booth. We do in face have a highly interactive local-community focused social network built on the 3D city map. You can get more detail from our blog:


Alex Streczyn-Woods said...

I really loved OER Commons a lot. I love that the resources are freely shared. There's no reason to recreate the wheel if something is already out there. The folks at OER Commons find the educational resources out there that are free and put it into their opensource database (and organize it by hand!) for all the world to share.

Marc said...

I registered with OER commons today and their resources are quite rich.