Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2/19 Class

Link to our (Alex + I) podcast assignment from last week: http://alex.podomatic.com/entry/2009-03-18T01_09_50-07_00

Reflection from last week:

Started off class by attending a lecture on the role of gaming in civic engagement. Over I thought there were some interesting points, but felt like much of the discussion wasn't very constructive in getting at what most of the audience seemed to want: ideas about WHY we should focus on gaming to teach people civic engagement, among other things. The speaker did state that he did not feel that gaming was anymore able to engage us than a really good lecturer (amongst other things), which I would defintely not agree with. I would have probably enjoyed a live demo of a group playing Simcity or something of that nature.

The second part of class the LMS/CMS group did their presentations. I was part of this group and showed everyone my www.gaginang.org website which was built out on Joomla. Unfortunately the keyboard/computer was having trouble with logins (for all presenters).

1 comment:

Alex Streczyn-Woods said...

the LMS/CMS presentation that you guys did was great! I was especially impressed with www.gaginang.org. I am probably going to have to pick your brain about Joomla. Thanks!